Saturday, September 1, 2012

Maybe My Horses Are a Little Bit High.

Things happen in my house that I never would have imagined. Out of my control, movies like Piranhaconda and Sharktopus are up on the screen before I can say, “Nooooooo…!”

My husband and I appreciate one another because we bring to our daily feast a mouthful of unfamiliar flavors. For him that is jazz, unexpected cuisine, and more exposure to fashion than most testosterone can absorb. For me, that is alien conspiracies, colossal toads, and doom metal.

From a music perspective, there is little I can appreciate. I find much of it more dark, heavy, and, at times, more dismal and depressing than I can bear. How interesting that one can feel so much joy from sounds that come from what seems to be such a gloomy place. Huh.

But there is more. Outside of the doom, there are bands that Ben has introduced me to that arouse in me not only approval, but, occasionally, even a head bang or two. Witchcraft from Sweden is one of them.

Well, I think they are paying one hell of an homage to Black Sabbath, but thank goodness someone is.

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