Monday, November 7, 2011

My Wildest Dreams

If Oscar Wilde had had the opportunity to whisper in the ear of Epicurus, together they may have been able to form an ideology I could subscribe to. The viewpoint of experiencing pleasure in moderation (so as not to result in pain) certainly has its merits. And if a fifth slice of pizza has ever sprawled you out on the couch, pants undone and cursing, or an English-pint-sized serving of Warrior Porto has ever made you vomit so violently that you broke blood vessels in your face, then Epicurus may be your man. But Oscar Wilde believed in moderation only in moderation, and as someone who has personally found the most satisfaction in that sweet spot just south of restraint, I have to say, I like where he was going with that.

If you’re familiar with my blog Shoe Stalking, then you’ve seen what this kind of indulgence looks like. But, lately I’ve been thinking about everything else that I am passionate about and wanting an avenue of expression that doesn’t, sometimes only loosely, relate back to what’s on my feet. 

Will anyone care besides me? I don’t know.  

But, even if it’s just for me, I will write here about fashion I want to eat, art I want to wear, and cuisine I want to paint. I will explore ideas that make me want to dance. And music that lets my mind travel. And places that only exist in my imagination.

And we’ll see what happens.

A view of the Danube in Budapest, Hungary.
From the chaotic gypsy music, to the mind-blowing architecture, to the sometimes 
scary adventure of it, this trip represents everything I’m talking about.

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