Monday, June 18, 2012

This could get uncomfortable.

A few days ago, I made a commitment to write a post for this blog every day for a year—a desperate attempt to force my desire to write out of the incredibly good hiding space it had found in my subconscious. I thought about it for several days before I decided to announce it; then I gave myself a one-day stay of execution so I could absorb the weight of this mighty big obligation. 

Though it was certainly my intention, I wasn't really expecting it when all of those ideas that had evaded me for months began to show themselves. One, a continuation of yesterday’s post in which I explore what it means to live with gratitude while still striving for self actualization—without forgetting that all of my problems (and aspirations) are first world, as they say. Another, about the moment in 1989 when I found my people and started on a path that eventually gave me the freedom to be me; a path that continues to surprise and affect me to this day. And there are more.

But I realize that all of these are deep thoughts that merit consideration and not the disservice of a rush job because of what I promised myself. I also know that I will not always (or even often) have some earth shattering observation to share. Nor do I necessarily want to. I will not achieve perfection every time or possibly any time. I will have to get in touch with the foreign concept of brevity. And it's inevitable that someday I will write something stupid and have to hit publish because it's 11:59. And this will all be fine because I will be writing something.

I'm definitely curious to see where this goes; where I go. But, right now, I'm going to stick a fork in this one and call it done. It seems I've been saved by a more pressing concern, which is that I have three cats and one of them is a total jerk:

Don't be surprised if someday I tell you about it. 

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