Thursday, November 15, 2012

Food for Thought.

For practical and cautious reasons, I don't generally talk about my work in this space. I'm making an exception tonight, but since what I'm writing about is both benign and also only loosely tied to my 8-5, I think it will be OK.

As a copywriter, I'm not expected to do much more than write, write, and write some more. All day. Brilliantly, preferred. But a couple of years ago I volunteered to take on the additional responsibility of being the ambassador of health and wellness at my company.

I raised my hand because, having gone through my own healthy transformation, I felt suited to help others reach their goals and also knew that my own success would help prove that change is possible. And the fact that I have managed to stay pretty fit over this time without any unfortunate ricocheting, I'd say I'm still qualified.

As leader of the three-person Bod Squad (yes, I named us), my responsibility is to head up all of our fitness and wellness-related activities, and also provide resources, support, and creative ideas for healthy living. And set an example, which means I occasionally have to pig out in private.

Here I am, demonstrating how to strengthen your core at your desk:

I make it look easy, don't I?
(Incidentally, the benefit of this appointment, in addition to dissuading me from getting fat, is that I know and talk to almost everyone in the company, every day. It makes me feel like a celebrity, which, as you can imagine, I eat up like a hot fudge brownie sundae.)
Today, as part of my ongoing efforts, I circulated this infographic from the ever-educating LearnStuff.

Take A Break

You're welcome.

P.S. I just realized that I wrote tonight much like I write for my job. There's a different tone to it than my personal writing, and here it is: that tone. Huh. I guess that's what I get for talking about work.

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