Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Moonlight serenade.

Through different social media channels, I follow a handful of people (mostly writers) who help me do my day job. Sometimes they help me do my 24-7 job. It probably wouldn’t hurt if I followed a few more, now that I think about it. 

Though I am 100% sure I’m never going to make a rainbow cake (I seriously dislike cake and I have a somewhat unnatural fear of food coloring), I love reading and seeing what the writers at Write in Color have on their minds. Yesterday they posted this story on their facebook page, along with this question: “What's the craziest thing you've seen lately?” Aside from a fleeting encounter with a bumble bee, which was really only metaphorically crazy—and probably only to me—nothing came to mind.  

Then I remembered something crazy I heard over the weekend. 

Our friends invited us to camp with them on their family’s 40-acre plot near their house in the country. It’s mostly wooded; but it has a nice open meadow and a fishing pond in one corner of the property, both of which have been groomed for (rustic) habitation. 

Probably about 10 minutes before it was polite, I abandoned our group for some deep exploration. I started at the first bend of the water’s edge and made my way slowly around, crouching every few steps to get a closer look at whatever I’d just scared into the water.

Step, step, plop. Step, plop. Step, plop, plop. I wasn’t quick enough to see even one; but I did once catch a small pair of spiny, webbed feet before they disappeared under the surface. 

Frogs. They were everywhere. Like a bad sci-fi movie.  

Later on, after we settled in around the fire, we started to hear their off-key, loose-banjo-string calls. They plucked and released, back and forth in dueling, toneless exchanges. They didn’t stop until sunup, when the cacophonous cries of wakened birds drowned them out. The six of us city dwellers were completely charmed. We giggled as we tried to recreate this curious sound. And that was probably the craziest thing our hosts had heard lately.

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