Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What, Me Worry?

I have two things going on tonight. The first is that it has been weighing on my mind, pretty much since the day after I wrote it, that I put up a post back in October about disliking children. It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but without even one gasp from my readers, I've become more and more insecure that someone will get a skewed idea about me. And actually believe I'm a terrible person. It's silly, probably. And it's definitely that Spotlight Effect shining on me once again.

Well...except that someone keeps reading it (or several ones, I don't know). I see it come up in my stats about once a week. And every time it does, I'm reminded that I wrote these words that might be taken the wrong way.

Writers that give advice say that I should write provocatively. That it's OK to say things that are unpopular or push people. That it makes me more interesting. I don't think that most of the time I come close to being controversial (or, sigh, all that interesting), and yet, I am hung up on this. I thought seriously about editing that post tonight.

But I'm not going to.

Taking a thoughtful recommendation, I've decided it's time to "nut up or shut up." I've chosen the former. 

And, seriously, I need to stop worrying all the time. What a silly waste of energy.

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