I lost considerable steam when the Komen Foundation decided to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. (FOR CRYING OUT LOUD: what sane person is not in support of bringing children into world who are both wanted and expected?! Seriously.)
Plus, I have become somewhat doubtful of the results of such an effort and skeptical that the appropriation of funds goes to a so-called cure. (On an aside note, I believe that lifestyle and diet can be instrumental to prevention, which seems so much more effective than curing after the fact. Hmmm. Kind of like Planned Parenthood. But that's not profitable, is it?)
I stopped raising funds for them after the first year. I go only these days because it pleases my family and it is a symbolic gesture of solidarity. And a reminder that everyone in my life is fragile. And temporary. No matter what.
So, I'd like to dedicate this post and this day to this wonderful song. Lest we forget.
Rock and Roll as truth.
~Dick Skull
P.S. All love to Julie Dobra and Sherrie Bannister. Two truly most beautiful faces.