Thursday, April 25, 2013

Marooned in Dreamland.

I've just returned from a mis-routed flight that landed us in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We had a layover, so we visited an artists' community where I ran into an old coworker. He was painting an abstract piece and wearing a hat with Pippi Longstocking-like pigtails poking out from it.

Whew, that was happy to be back in my bed!

Except that Adam Levine's doppelgänger is sitting on me and tickling me in the most uncomfortable and almost terror-inducing way. I am writhing and screaming, but it just comes out in a muffled mwa... mmwaaa... mwwwwaaaah kind of way.

The crickets chirp and I am snoozing my alarm.

Oh. Good.

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