Thursday, March 28, 2013

Oh, Marry.

I heard on the radio as I was commuting home today that polygamy is illegal in the US. This surprised me. Not because I am surprised that our government would interfere in our personal matters, but because I didn't know that I didn't know that.

As the debates over Prop 8 and DOMA continue, it does seem logical (despite logic being so frequently absent in these types of arguments) that if DOMA is found unconstitutional, then polygamy should, in addition to gay marriage, be legalized. I considered this for about two seconds and I thought: yeah, I don't have a problem with that.

If all parties are consenting in a polygamous marriage, and no one is being abused, oppressed, or otherwise mistreated, then who are we to judge? Sure, we've seen many examples of just that happening, but as casual onlookers, these are the kinds of examples we are presented. Besides, is it not true (a point raised by the interviewee in the story I listening to) that many monogamous relationships involve much of the same dysfunction? Fucked up is fucked up, if you know what I mean.

I'm not saying I want to have a plural marriage (though all of my husbands would be exceptionally well-treated), but, seriously is this not a civil right like any other? To do as we will with ourselves and our lives? (Within the accepted reasonable limits, if I'm allowed to include those while ignoring that reasonable means many things to many people.)

Does anyone, especially anyone who supports gay marriage, disagree? Just wondering...

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