Saturday, March 2, 2013

Silence with Sounds.

I went out on my own tonight because Ben is out of town and Nosferatu was showing at the UICA with a live music score. !!

I could have invited friends to go, but I really do enjoy being alone, except... well, dinner was strange. I decided on Big O's Pizza because it's casual and so busy that the other patrons don't really notice you enough to unnecessarily pity you and your sad little table for one. It was crowded and there was a huge party waiting at the bar for their table, so I couldn't sit there. Instead, they seated me in the overflow room right next to the only others: a dad with his two little girls who were very late for their 7:00 p.m. sharp arrival time. You can guess how I know this.

Somehow, through my own force of will, I became invisible—it seemed the best way for all of us to feel more comfortable. They rushed out by the time my second beer arrived, and, I was, for a few moments deserted in the quiet corner. I decided to remain invisible, which was evidently successful, because the four teenage boys who were seated at that same table next to me carried on as if they were the only ones there. This actually made me uncomfortable. I should go... I thought. So I did.

I passed the wig shop on the way to the theater. :pause: Anyone else think it is totally awesome that we have a wig shop downtown?

And the show was spectacular. Really, you should look into this Andrew Alden Ensemble. I heard they also scored their own version of Night of the Living Dead. Whaaa...?

On my way back to my parking spot, I was, again, totally alone. The sound of my heels echoed against the bricks of the old buildings and off the manhole covers in the streets. Huh. Where did everyone go?

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