Monday, December 10, 2012

More, More, More. (How do you like it...?)

This morning, I posted as my status a question that’s been in my head for quite a while now: what’s next?

Before filing this one under W for “well, what did you expect?” I received lots of suggestions from my ever-helpful friends, ranging from a rubber chicken to Tuesday to motherhood. All answers, yes, but also indications that only I can really tackle this one.

It seems almost every day I am introduced to proof that there is much more out there. Which makes me hunger to do, have, know, or be more than is happening right now. Despite how soft, warm, and mushy now feels.

Of course, wrestling out of this gooey net of delicious complacency means more work, more challenges, and more commitments. And more risk. And more decisions about what this more might be.

During my Monday a.m. ritual of coffee sipping and weekend email sorting, I was just getting around to the read-worthy content when I had an a-ha! prompted, in part, by this Michigan Radio segment.
Here's a picture of a snowy ravine.
Oh, did you think was going to tell you what that revelation is?

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