Monday, September 24, 2012

Across the Universe.

Yesterday, I spent most of my day at the Brooklyn Museum, where by far my favorite exhibit was "Connecting Cultures." It's explained well in this poster, which I photographed because I didn't trust my memory to translate it to my weary listeners (but I actually did a pretty good job of it late last night with my mother-in-law and hubs.)

What a wonderful idea! Truly a microcosm of our cosm. (<not a word). Works from every century, every genre, every continent--all in one place. Congregating in harmony were:

From the Yup'ik Eskimos of Western Alaska:

Mask of the Valley Ptarmigan
An exact replica of Edward Ruscha's Records (by Eric Doeringer).

One of Nick Cave's Soundsuits:

Not my photo, but better than mine turned out.

From the Gazelle Peninsula of Papua New Guinea:
Kavat Mask

A video recording of Merce Cunningham in Merce by Merce by Paik.

And from the Qing Dynasty:

Gilt Figure of Marichi


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