Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Green Light.

You know that re-circulate button on your car’s dash? I’m starting to suspect that I have an internal one that is stuck on. Whatever this pestilent sludge is that is pumping through my blood stream, it refuses to be expelled, leaving me repeatedly weak and sickly.

Last week, probably because she was tired of looking at my pale, sweaty visage, my boss recommended that I go to the local juice bar and order a Dr. Feelgood—a blend of greens and things that claims to be a serum of fortitude. It had worked for her a month earlier, and we both crossed fingers that I would get the same result. And, I actually did.

Now, I know that my sudden turnaround could have been entirely psychosomatic, but so what? If a little trickery is all it takes to shake the disease, who am I to argue?

Let’s guess that it’s a little from Column A and a little from Column B, though. I’m enough of a believer either way to recreate it at home with my juicer. (you will also need a juicer, by the way)

I watched them make it, so I know the ingredients. But, I have to say, it was a bit on the ewww side, so I tried to improve it without de-powering its magic.

Here’s what you need:
4 whole stalks of kale
3 ribs of celery, halved
2 medium pickling cucumbers, halved
2 small apples, quartered (no need to peel or core)
1 nectarine, quartered and pitted
A handful of green beans, stems and ends removed
One 1½” piece of ginger, peeled
1 oz. of aloe vera gel, the dietary supplement kind (optional)

It all looks so lovely. How bad could it be?
Here's what to do:

Easy! It all goes into the juicer a little at a time (though I just mixed in the aloe at the end). Follow the instructions for your juicer and you’re good. 

This yields about 16 oz. My additions were the green beans, nectarine, and aloe gel. I added the nectarine because I had one on hand and I thought it would improve the flavor. It did. Next time I would double the ginger. I barely tasted it in mine, but it was what made a drinking a giant glass of green fluid possible the first time around. 

Cheers to your health!

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