Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Last night, while fading into sleepyland and trying not to think about shit hitting the fan, I had a stretch of the imagination. It grew out of recent posts by friends who were trying to protect their facebook rights by committing a legal-sounding statement to their timelines. It seemed familiar, as I'd seen this effort to protect personal copyrights in response to new guidelines surface many months earlier.

I asked (no one in particular), "Oh, you sillies, did you check Snopes?" Because I was pretty sure it was a hoax, and then it was confirmed.

Not a big surprise if you're prone to suspicion and desire to take the road of inquiry rather than the shortcut that the bandwagon offers.

But then I wondered...wouldn't it be funny if Snopes were actually part of the scheme? As a site known and trusted to deliver truth, wouldn't it be a hell of a surprise if they were providing false information with a goal to distract and dissuade us from acting on the very events that concerned and threatened us?

Yes, yes it would. I'm not down with conspiracies. Really, I'm not. I just think it's fascinating to consider. Then again,"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you." (Thanks for that, Joseph Heller).

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