Monday, January 7, 2013

A Trip to Quebec Via the Maharajas' Express.

I’m a little disappointed in myself that I went to the trouble of creating a new recipe and then fell short on the finishing touches. Shredded meat on a tortilla, no matter how delicious, is not really a complete thought, is it? The idea of julienned snow peas as a topping was a good start, but I’m thinking something a little more inspired is in order to truly call this recipe a success. A spiced tomato salsa? A fruit chutney? Hmmm...

Meanwhile, I do have leftovers from yesterday, and, as promised, we’ll be making poutine. So what is poutine, anyway? A basic one is simply French fries topped with brown gravy and cheese curds. I hadn’t had much exposure to this dish until we visited Toronto last year and it was on every menu.

Made traditionally, it’s nothing to stand up and sing about, but with a little creativity, poutine can be a surprising combination of flavors and textures for the palate. The fries soak up the gravy, but remain crisp, and the gravy partially softens the cheese curds, but still leaves their signature chewiness. It’s definitely an experience. An experience that can be significantly enhanced by adding seasoned meat and spicing up the gravy, which is exactly what I have on hand.

My only challenge is the French fries. Whether I order them from a drive-thru or buy them from the grocery store, I’m not feeling good about adding an over-processed element to this otherwise natural meal. So, here’s my solution:


Here's what you need:

2 small-ish, un-skinned russet potatoes, scrubbed and sliced into thin rounds
Olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
Leftover shredded curry chicken and sauce from yesterday's recipe
Half a package of natural, cheddar cheese curds

Here's what to do:

Coat the bottom of a medium skillet with oil and sauté potatoes until cooked through, browned, and crisp. Season with salt and pepper. We’ve just made American Fries, FYI.

Keep them warm while you reheat your chicken and sauce. Divide the potatoes into two bowls, layer with chicken, top with cheese curds (also divided into two portions) and cover with warm gravy.

Voilà! Et bon appétit!

I know it looks a little sketchy. Just trust me, OK?

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