Thursday, January 10, 2013

Today is Tomorrow's Yesterday.

Back to the matter of determining the three words that I want to define my character and attitude for the coming year (and beyond). Here they are:

Undaunted. I originally chose fearless, but decided this is a prettier word, and maybe more appropriate. My focus here will be to try not to let anxiety and self-doubt prevent me from following my heart's desires. Like the apprehension I feel toward flying unaccompanied to a foreign country more than 7000 miles away (and also being away from home for so long). Or not pursuing my Masters because I am terrified to take the GRE. And also, that which is at the core of all of this, the worry that sometimes (but definitely not all the time) can consume me and is quite often utterly baseless.

Present. I occasionally dwell in the past, wishing I had done this or that differently, or that I had had a different childhood (though mine was nothing to complain about, trust me). I also spend some of my time in the future, wishing for experiences yet to come. Between the two, I don't give enough time to appreciating the present. To being here. Now. And yet, wasn't today a day in the past (even yesterday) that I looked forward to? And isn't today also a day in the future that I won't look back on in disappointment if I just play it right? Yes.

Generous. Fiscally, I've got this. I have no problem portioning out a nugget of my salary to share with charities, socially responsible businesses, and other people, organizations, and causes that I want to support. But I am not very giving of my heart. Or my attention. Or my empathy. The latter more (or do I mean less?) so with strangers, or humans closer to my sphere and not suffering thousands of miles away. No matter what, it is easy to give tangibles. It is more difficult, for me, to give of the self.

So there they are. And to be clear, I'm not on another self-bashing binge. We all have weaknesses. These are a few of mine. And I know some of you share them with me. I don't totally know how I'm going to embody these new descriptors, I just know I'm going to give it a good effort.

That's all. Good night, friends.

Oh, and if you happen to have three words for your 2013 and want to share them, I'd like to read them!

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