Saturday, January 19, 2013

If It Makes You Happy...

An incomplete list of small pleasures, volume I:
  1. Doing absolutely nothing. Sitting in silence, focusing on nothing in particular, daydreaming or not. I can do this for hours.
  2. The smell of fresh orange blossoms. I haven't smelt them in person, on the tree, since the spring of 1986. It is the most wonderful scent ever. 
  3. Kissing friends on the cheek in greeting (or for any reason, masha'allah). Especially when they aren't expecting it.
  4. Worms. When they come out and soak up the wetness after a good rain. When they are in every spot you want to step, and, with each breath, you take in their earthy essence. 
  5. People who don't regard your personal space. I find it incredibly endearing when in platonic, friendly situations, a person deliberately gets too close to me. It makes me feel comforted and approachable. 
  6. Anthropomorphizing objects: feeling sorry for the un-chosen pumpkins at the farmers' market, or the discarded flowers of unrequited love, or the carefully-chosen gift that is stashed in the corner of the closet, never re-opened. They break my heart a little, and even though that's a little crazy, I'm OK with it.    

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