Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I had planned tonight to write about three words that I envision will describe my 2013. Resolutions of sorts, but with a little more vision behind them. I've settled on two, but not my third, so it will have to wait. Hey, tomorrow's another day, right?

So last Friday while I was road tripping to Detroit, I caught a story on WDET about a Pixar Animator named Everett Downing who had made commitment back in 2010 to create a new super hero every day for a year. For much the same reason that I decided to write a post every day for a year: to pull out of a slump; to force the mind to manually spark this creative outlet that sometimes doesn't send volts of electricity automatically.

It turned out that he lost steam at around day 210, which, I just realized is coincidentally close to where I am today. (I'm not giving up, FYI.) Recently, he decided to finish the project, and his progress is shown here. Great stuff. And an inspiration to me to not just write anything just to get a post up, but, like him, to form a complete thought, from title to full execution of the concept.

I like Rick Saw, The Nut Cracker, Whipper/Snapper, and Auntie Matter. Hell, I like them all. 

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