Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Found, Pounds, & Sounds.

Well, aside from this being the first day back to work without another business holiday to look forward to for almost five months (really, someone needs to do something about this), today was a pretty good day. I learned that our temporary gray kitten, who went to her permanent home last week, is doing well in her new digs, and, more importantly, is making someone very happy who needs a little sunshine right now. Good girl!

I also managed to outlast our holiday fitness challenge, coming in at 2.4 pounds under weight. Whew! I’m not about to start on a lunatic binge or anything, but at least I won’t go into convulsions the next time I see a tray of homemade cookies. (That said, I am currently eating a slice of cold Vitale's pizza with my left hand and typing one letter at a time with my right.)

I also spent the early part of this morning listening to this while working on a 12-spread writing project. It (the music) started to lose me at some point and I began daydreaming about Dario Argento’s Susperia. Or more, the title song, performed by a band called Goblin.

It’s not for everyone (but do give it 'til about 2:48 before you give up), and it probably sounds as dated as the 1977 film, but it certainly fills the role of creepy sounds for a creepy movie. If you're into that kind of thing.

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