Sunday, April 7, 2013

I Must Be Stopped!

I complained Friday that I was feeling a bit overburdened by some extra mystery weight that's somehow attached itself to my body. I mentioned it again Saturday morning, in a somewhat whining tone, before my dance class. But when I started to list out to my instructor what I'd eaten the day before, it didn't sound like I'd get to blame this one on water weight.

Breakfast meeting at a café: one super-sized blueberry pancake with butter and syrup and a side of bacon.

Mid-morning: two large handfuls of Swedish Fish jelly beans (a diabolical marriage of my favorite treats. Grrr.)

Lunch: a bagel topped with melted cheese, eaten un-toasted, un-topped, in baby's-fist-sized bites while standing in my cubicle talking with two co-workers. THEN, because I felt like an asshole for everything I'd eaten so far, I ate an enormous, utterly unnecessary salad.

Mid-afternoon: back for more jelly beans and also a couple of pours of gummi bunnies directly into my mouth (which, despite their intriguing colors, taste exactly like Haribo bears. Disappointed. Ate them anyway.) About half an hour later, I dumped a big pile of pretzels sticks on my desk and powered through those as well.

Dinner: three slices of Vitales pizza with bacon & pepperoni and two tall Oberons. (Hence the listening to loud, girly dance music after we got home. Wheeee!)

Late-night: Large piece of cajun beef jerky from Kingma's.

Yes, when you say it all out loud, it sounds like a bit much, doesn't it?

I'm in the middle of cooking my penance right now. If it turns out tasty, I'll share it tomorrow.   

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