Saturday, April 6, 2013

Technology is Beautiful.

We all know that I've been making an effort to takes pauses during the day—workdays in particular, since my weekends are generally full of movement, and mental challenges, and a diversity of activities. I've struggled to stay on task with this effort and have started to wonder if I will be able to make it happen consistently. 

Just in time, Harvard Business Review sent this article to my inbox, and it is exactly on point with what I've been trying to do. Besides backing up all of my suppositions, it gave a suggestion I hadn't thought of: a utility that forces a break. They recommended two, but neither is compatible with my MacBook, so I poked around and found a free one for OS X called Dejal Time Out. Don't tell the IT guy, but I downloaded it and started running it Friday.

It shuts me down at the intervals and durations I set, and while I have the option to postpone or skip my break altogether, the process it takes of fading out my work session is enough that I've already stopped what I'm doing—so why not roll with it?

To shepherd my brief interlude is an app I found for my iPhone called Take a Break that offers a guided meditation specifically adapted for work situations. Nice.

In short time, I expect to be infinitely more effective, creative, and balanced. I'll let you know the moment that kicks in. ;)

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