Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Practice Makes Perceptive.

I promise I’m not going to keep writing about this, but I have to report back on my final moment of reflection right before bed last night. It was actually an open household discussion about the necessity of doing what I said I was going to do.

Yesterday, I let it slip, I blew it off, I dined right over it...why? Not just because I forgot, but because everything is pretty calm right now in my world and I thought: Nope, I’m good.

We are conditioned these days to look at the lack of flames and smoke surrounding our lives as a sign of success. But it is in our times of contentment that we most need to delve deeper. After all, we are in the best rational and emotional state to do so. To not just aspire to finding serenity when we need it most, but to recognize that we should always be looking for it.

It’s more difficult in those temperate times, though, isn’t it? It is for me, anyway. I sat in my pauses today and thought...hmmm...tap, tap, tap...what to contemplate? What do my sensibilities need right now? I suppose it will get easier with time as I practice flexing my thinker. As long as I keep at it.  

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