Tuesday, August 21, 2012

No Hot Elf Chicks Here!

The other night, while watching Project Runway, I was finishing a post about the use of clichés. One of the contestants, a non-native speaker named Dimitri, criticized a competitor by calling him a “one way monkey.” He quickly corrected himself and restated “one trick pony,” but not before I grasped onto that one-liner as a great turn on a traditional, overused saying.

I named my post that, and, because I am still a whore for my reader data, I watched hour-by-hour as the hits to my blog shot through an opening in the ozone layer. (Actually, I think I went to bed and checked in the next morning. I do have some restraint.) 

I had no intentions or even the slightest expectation that I would draw traffic with this little maneuver; I was simply pleased at the serendipity of the moment (and with a little last-minute help with a title) and leapt upon it. But it did draw traffic, and I certainly learned a few things about the power of a post name from this unplanned event.

I heard later that a similar, intentional ploy is used by some blog writers who have chosen to name their posts by search terms that might be common to their audience, but not necessarily related to their content. Like one titled “Hot Elf Chicks” written by a role-playing gaming site.

I’ll give you one guess who told me about this. ;)

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