Friday, August 31, 2012

You wanna see something REALLY scary?

I don’t love the Sci-Fi genre. If it has aliens or mutant species in it, my response is usually to break out in hives. How strange, then, that I can’t get enough of the SyFy series “Face Off.”

It’s in its third season, and, like reality shows of its kind (Project Runway, Work of Art), it adds a dimension of creativity to what would otherwise be an authorities-attracting demolition derby of awkward personality conflicts. Good thing about that artistic part.

We caught Episode One of Season Three last night, and learned during it that a sequel to The 300 is being made.

Conversation turned immediately (by me) to the character called Uber Immortal in said film, the original.

I really don’t get scared by anything in fictional films. I seek out and regularly watch gore and horror films (though torture porn is just stupid) without flinching or perspiring and without any disruption to my mandatory eight hours of sleep. (OK, Blair Witch Project turned me inside out for several days, but that’s a reasonable exception, given its façade of realism.)

That said, I responded to the Uber Immortal (at the theater) in a first date’s dream kind of way. He terrified me. When the brutality was all over, I found myself fetal-y shrunken in Ben’s lap.

What was that all about?! Special effects.

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