Thursday, August 9, 2012

Oh, I’ve considered it all right…

On my drive into work this morning, I heard a news story about the tragic loss that Mat Honan of Wired magazine suffered, after being hacked and losing a crippling amount of data. Since I’ve been struggling lately to put my own minute problems in perspective, I thought with the same harshness I’ve been directing at myself, “really?”

Would it be OK if this happened to me? Of course not. 

I’m not saying that it’s not terrible that he was victimized like this, but I do have to say, the way that these reporters were talking, he has experienced real injury and real loss. He mentioned losing precious photos of his daughter, including ones with her great-grandparents who have since passed. Is not the physical loss of the great-grandparents actually worse? Is not the joy he experiences in real time with his daughter what is of value, not the visual mementos?

Knowing that truly devastating events are happening worldwide, I feel the proportion to which this was labeled a misfortune is a little misguided. And a little insensitive, too.

Just saying. 

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