Sunday, June 2, 2013

Agreeing to Disagree.

Last night we went to see Bill Maher perform live. Being in arguably the most conservative city in Michigan, we wondered if we might be the only ones to show up. But the house was full and, at first, I felt comforted being surrounded by so many like-minded people. And, really, there are few instances when you can be more sure that you are with your kind than by choosing to be entertained by someone who has very specific, unwavering, and unapologetic opinions on politics, religion, sex, and social issues.

So, that was interesting for a few minutes until I remembered that liberals can be just as annoying as right-wingers. Well, almost. OK, not really even close. But they have their annoying moments. Like the couple in front of us who had possibly just returned from a sex therapy retreat and were still in the throes of their rekindled affection for one-another. That was a little uncomfortable.

The woman behind us had likely tipped back a few too many glasses of chardonnay, and had granted herself permission to burst out interchangeably in smug agreement and overzealous laughter.

I enjoyed the show immensely, but left it remembering that we can become complacent when sheltered in the arms of those we have no differences with. And in that safe place, we risk that we will stop growing and learning and seeking to form independent thoughts. And there's absolutely nothing progressive about that. 


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