Sunday, June 9, 2013

Think. Just Think.

It's too bad more people don't read this blog, not just for the sake of my ego, but because maybe if they did, they'd have caught the post from February 19 and let #9 sink in. (I think I've referenced #9 at least once since, and there's a good reason for it.)

Every once in a while if I feel like being really pissed off, I'll read the comments on an NPR article posted on facebook. One of today's was a whopper, and, as I read each contribution, I was dumbfounded by all the dumbness.

First of all, if one person other than you has already expressed the same opinion (let alone, say, 50 others), then why leave yours? You aren't sharing anything new, you're just, what, letting the rest of the world know you had a thought, too?

Second, if you're dead set on sharing your comment, anyway, then at least check your work before you hit post. Vomiting is involuntary. Stuff comes out before you have time to stop it. Not true with the ideas in your head. If you are so careless that you would type an indecipherable message that could be made decipherable by reviewing it first, you've not only achieved nothing, you've just proclaimed to a far-reaching audience that you are a sloppy idiot. (Yes, we all make mistakes. That's why they gave us a delete button.)

And, finally, back to my introductory point: all of this arguing is pointless. Especially with strangers. And even more especially with people whose beliefs are of so little consequence to themselves that they can't even give them the attention to detail they require.

No matter how valid your evidence, or how persuasive your argument, you rarely, if ever, can change another person's mind. 

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