Tuesday, June 11, 2013


At work, I've been writing about the same concepts for four and a half years, which greatly increases the risk of self plagiarizing. I've more than once actually written the same sentence, or, worse, an entire paragraph that is damn near verbatim of a piece I've already written.

I'm always kind of surprised when it happens, wondering how I could not remember that I've already extracted that thought. In defense, I do write a great deal of copy that never gets used, and it is hard to keep track of what does and what doesn't. It's really too bad that the brain doesn't have some sort of flush function. How great if I could just evacuate any used combination of words with the push of a button. (I'm thinking like one of those pneumatic vacuums they have for airplane toilets...)

Writing every day for this blog is no different. Most times I'm suspicious and have to google my own work when a cautionary flare goes off. But, tonight, I was feeling pretty sure that I had a point to make that I've not made yet in the past 360 days.

I would love to share that with you, but it's awfully late.

Maybe tomorrow.

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