Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Best of My Love.

A couple of years ago, sometime around that year's end, a co-worker & I were discussing doing a "best of" post for our company's blog. She asked me to pick my favorites, but instead of doing that, I countered that we shouldn't list our favorites, we should list our readers' favorites. Otherwise, it would be too self-serving, I explained. Not one to ever win a disagreement with this person, I ended up giving her my favorites, but because I can be petty when I'm losing, I gave her a list of only my entries. In fairness, it was true.

Here I am at the penultimate (that word's for you, Ben!) post for this blog, and I've decided I should create my own "best of" post. As I only have 15 followers and a fraction of that of actual readers, there is little data for me to base any kind of readers' choice on, so they'll have to be mine. Here they are: 
  1. On music: No Lifeboat Needed.
  2. Creative writing exercise: Fallen.
  3. Use of the F word: #%@&!.
  4. Stupidest: a tie between Art is Fart and Don't Read This.<also an F word contender.
  5. On food: Oh, Crap.
  6. Most personal: I Will Never Know.
  7. Attempt at sharing wisdom: Take My Advice.
  8. Self reflection/improvement: Today is Tomorrow's Yesterday.
  9. A little ranting: Look it Up.  
  10. Promises, promises: Tough Love.
Huh, tomorrow is the last day... I think I'm gonna miss this...

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