Saturday, February 23, 2013

I Dreamt About You Last Night.

I'm thinking about how I can earn one of those Godlike Genius awards. Because forget any other named award on earth. Is there really anything better than being dubbed a godlike genius? Doubtful.

I just learned that Johnny Marr will soon be fitted with this crown of honor by the mag NME. I've never heard of them, probably because my finger isn't anywhere near the pulsating vein of pop culture. But cheers to them for getting me to say aloud, "Who is this NME?...Oh, haha, NME...Nice."

So I've been sitting here for the last half hour trying to decide what's my favorite Smiths song. This is impossible. So the best I can do is the one that had the most impact on me. The one that I listened to over and over while locked in my room as a teenager, long after guests had arrived for Thanksgiving dinner and now I was just being rude. That was this one:

 (for the record, I always thought he was saying shag me on the patio. I'll take it now, indeed.)

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