Monday, February 4, 2013

It's Complicated.

On the emotional theme park ride that is my life, there are moments of anticipatory, creaking ascent, gut-turning plummets, and sudden pivots in mood. Fairly equal amounts of uncontrolled howling and giggling, as well as an occasional bout of vomiting, are all marks on the course.

This morning I was having one of those feelings of exhilaration: a sense that I am making sense, that what I am doing is doing it for me, that the work I’ve been working on is working. 

That is, I was having an “I’m Awesome” moment. I felt compelled to shout about it on facebook, but within about half an hour, one of my friends accused me of vaugebooking.

On seeing such a forward allegation, the blood half-drained from my head and I felt chilled and slightly mortified. No, no, no...I thought. I am not that person.

Here’s the thing: I could be in denial about all this. Except that…

You know what? I just deleted the shockingly pointless paragraph that was coming next. I realize that our online dystopia is abundant with sociological, psychological, philosophical, theoretical, behavioral  implications that transcend my comprehension. I conclude: we are animals. 


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