Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Head Full of Cabbage.

I slept very little last night, not because being deeply troubled about the state of my professional life was keeping me awake, but because I had a completely inappropriate dream about a community salad bar I would be helping coordinate today at work. Inappropriate, I say, since I was not overly concerned about it. I wondered if we would have enough food, but that was the extent of the mental energy I had devoted to it.

No matter, because a 7-second blip still played on loop for hours in my slumbering subconscious, which consisted of the following question: Do we have enough cabbage? Do we have enough cabbage? Do we have enough cabbage? 

(Really, my brain should try out for a part in the next Harmony Korine film. It would perform an improvisational dance as part of the audition.)

Despite all this, I ended up having a decent, if not, downright pleasant day. Which reminds me that circumstances can change drastically from one day to the next. I know why this is, and it has much to do with a quiet dysfunction that's rumbling underneath the tightly-looped, polyester carpet that our business casual shoes walk around on from 8-5.

I'll leave it at that and focus on the mindfulness that has come to my emotional rescue time & again in these difficult days. And, share with you this wonderful piece that I heard this evening on WGVU:

Click this. Read it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

(I've been waiting for the audio to load. It hasn't yet, so I am posting as is.)

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