Saturday, May 4, 2013

If You Leave.

I am approaching the end of my one-year writing obligation and I find I am losing steam. In this period, I am thinking about a friend who resigned from her job, but has stayed on indefinitely out of goodwill toward the company as well as a why not? attitude, given that her new adventure hasn't started yet and may not at all.

I have quit many jobs in the past. Some without a known prospect, and, about the same amount, with one. As I've aged and taken on more responsibilities, a known one is practically required. Though the fantasy of not needing one remains, hovering in the back of my mind.

So, my friend, who has a foot out the door and planted in the grounds of a completely different future, continues to perform her current duties with the tenacity and permanency of a person who is going nowhere. And, I suppose, I find this strange. When we make a decision to leave, it seems realistic that we move on in entirety; taking our head-space with us as well. Which is likely why a 2-weeks' notice has become so popularized.

When I asked her about this, she told me that if she were to behave any differently now, then everything she once was in this role would be false. That all along, she was just acting.



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