Friday, May 24, 2013

New Rule.

I went to lunch today with a big group to celebrate a friend's birthday. We decided that the first person who checked his/her phone would have to buy the Birthday Girl dessert. Within moments, one person had already weakened and, when spotted, was followed by another, knowing she wasn't the first. A brief (but not at all serious) argument broke out and it was decided that we would all put our phones in the center of the table and leave them there until we finished our meal.

How many times did I forget and motion toward my purse to grab a quick peek? Three. Maybe four. With others, I could see their eyes darting in the direction of the row of phones. But, after a bit, nobody seemed to care if we had been transported back to the early aughts when nobody did care.

We were all back on the grid the second we left the table, but, not so surprising, few of us missed out on anything.

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