Sunday, May 12, 2013

Oh, Behave.

The family just left a bit ago, and the day played out perfectly. That is if you forget that Puck snuck up on the dining room table while were all visiting and ate nearly a whole slice of key lime pie. Whether we witness it or not, there will be green cat puke to clean up sooner or later.

I was thinking today, as my mom was on exceptionally good behavior, that I have been too hard on her. Then again, when she is good, she is very good...but when she is bad, well, someone call in the lion tamers so we can get this circus back in the tents.

This past year has been especially difficult (more for her than any of us, I'm sure) and at one point she wrote a long letter to my sister and me. She ended it with a quote by Oscar Wilde:

"Children begin by loving their parents; after a time they judge them; rarely, if ever, do they forgive them."

I suppose I best try to prove her & Mr. Wilde wrong. 

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