Friday, May 3, 2013

Metal Mettle.

My house has been filled with the foreign sounds of George Jones for the past several days, and while I've been given ample chance to appreciate him, I just can't find the love. Thank goodness, and, of course, I do not mean that I am appreciative of Jeff Hanneman's unfortunate and untimely passing, that there's a change of noise in the house.

You might be surprised to know that when I was in my last semester of high school, I was listening to Slayer. As well as a lot of other heavy metal. I had gravity-defying hair, brought to me by the magicians at Aqua Net; I wore a fringed leather jacket that moved well when headbanging was required; and I somehow made tight jeans with sneakers work.

I can't explain why I loved it. The energy? The bad boys who were associated with it? The subversiveness? Leather?

Tonight I looked low & lower in our basement for the cassette of Reign in Blood that I am fairly certain I still have from those days. Side A and Side B were identical, which was probably not intended genius, but made for a quick repeat of the album without ever having to rewind. I couldn't find it, but I know it's lurking down there somewhere.

Meanwhile, here is the final song:

P.S. I ended up listening to most of the album tonight while previewing videos, and you know what? That is some dark shit. I can't imagine I absorbed any of those lyrics back in the day. I think I just liked driving around raising hell with my friends. While wearing leather.



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