Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'm Afraid. So?

Today I deleted an email that's been sitting in my work inbox for several months. It was titled "Do Something that Terrifies You" and I saved it because it seemed to me to be a pretty good thing to try.

I am very good at thinking about doing things and talking about doing things, but it's the actual doing of things that I don't do very well. Sometimes when I say them out loud enough times, there's a certain pressure cloud that looms, reminding me that if I don't follow through, I'm creating a reputation for myself and to myself that I'm just a good dreamer. And also a fickle dreamer.

So, I deleted that email because I've decided that it's time to be terrified. And I've started saying things aloud about it, and taking ordered steps in the direction of my fears–even investing in my fears. Which will eventually drop me into a pit that I can't climb out of. And that's what I want, so I'm going to keep moving.

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